Our family - Lord willing - will move to London in just a few weeks. It's surreal. We have spent the last 18 months investing in London through prayers, discussions, trainings, trips and more. We're nearing the end of our season in Raleigh (more about that in the next post) and are prepared to lay it all on the line in London.
We experience worlds of emotions each day now. We are thankful for all God has done in our lives in Raleigh. We are hopeful about what God is preparing in London. We are blown away by God's provision of a 20+ Launch Team in Raleigh. We are even more encouraged by the formal and informal partners that God is bringing together in London. Yet we experience a rush of emotion when we turn on a certain street in Raleigh. Hugging friends for the last time in a while is not easy. It's a lot right now and God is bringing us through it.
Thank You For Your Partnership
We are grateful for your friendship and support through all of this. Quite simply: We cannot move to London and carry out this work without you. We are in this together. We may be the ones who are only a few weeks from departure but we go on your prayers, encouragements, and financial support.
We continue to make progress in organizing entities to support the work of church planting in London. Over the last couple of weeks, we have established a Board of Advisors to oversee the finances of our work and provide coaching for some of our strategic decision making - I look forward to introducing you to our Board in just a couple of weeks. We have also established a new giving platform where people can support the work of helping plant this church financially - that's what I want to update you on today...
Financially Investing In London
Redeemer Queen’s Park has established a fund with the National Christian Foundation (NCF). The Summit Church has graciously provided oversight for our finances for the last year and will cease to do so in June. From this point forward NCF is the place that all gifts need to be sent to and they will provide you with your tax-deductible receipt.
There are multiple ways you can make a contribution to the London church plant through NCF…
National Christian Foundation
C/O Contributions
11625 Rainwater Dr. Suite 500
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Checks can be made out to “National Christian Foundation”, but our account number needs to be in the memo line: 2843937 / Redeemer London.
You can also schedule monthly contributions via this online link.
With our fund, we are able to accept gifts of publicly traded appreciated stock. If you would like more information on this, please reach out to Madison Hoell at mhoell@ncfgiving.com.
National Christian Foundation works with givers to mobilize gifts of real estate, business interest, and other types of complex assets. If you would like to discuss this option, please contacts Madison Hoell at mhoell@ncfgiving.com.
As you can see, there are many different ways that you can financially invest in starting this new church in London. If you are currently investing with us then please take a moment to update your giving with NCF. If you have been following along but have not yet made a financial investment then please we would love for you to do so. Investing financially is a way of knitting our hearts together even more as we work together to reach the unreached living in London.
Thank you for being on this journey of starting a new church in London. We are doing this work together. When Redeemer Queen's Park is up and running in the next couple of years it will be so because of our collective investment in London.