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Partnership Pathways: Pray, Give, Go

We are really encouraged by the people and churches that God is assembling for the journey ahead!

In the last few weeks we've had many people ask how they can partner with us in London. With that in mind, we want to provide a few "pathways" for you to take as you journey with us.

One of our core Values as a (yet-to-be-planted) church is: We all have a role to play. We firmly believe that God gives all of his children a role to play in His mission. Lots of people partner through prayer. Lots of people partner through giving. Lots of people partner by going - coming with us to help plant this church!

Here are a few paths you could take in partnering with us...

But first: Why

More than 2.8 billion people in the world who zero access to the gospel. God's people cannot afford to settle for anything less than raising up leaders who are willing to go to the unreached parts of the world with the gospel. The gospel is the good news that God has made a way of salvation for the lost: by grace, through faith, in Christ. God's family is diverse and inclusive of all kinds of people. BUT, membership in His family has only one entry point: faith in Jesus Christ.

For far too long Christians have lived with a segmented or compartmentalized view of global mission. This means that good and well-intending Christians think of global mission as something for a select few. But the Bible tells a different story. From cover to cover the Bible tells the story of God creating a people to be His mission force in the world. Global mission is the very reason that God has created, called, and commissioned His people.

Global mission is not something for a select few to participate in. Global mission is the opportunity that all of us have the privilege of partnering together in. So, some people participate in the global mission of God by staying and praying. Others by making much or making little and helping partnering by giving. Others participate in the global mission of God by actually moving their lives to live among the unreached people of the world.


Would you consider partnering with us in prayer?

Prayer is not an extra to ministry - prayer is the ministry. God is a loving Father who listens to the requests and needs of His children. We believe that God will work in response to our requests. There are so many things about preparing for London and ministry in London that will only happen through dedicated prayer.

Would you join our prayer team? On October 1 we will send out our first wave of family prayer requests. To receive our monthly prayer requests then you need to click this link and signup for our mailing list.


Would you consider partnering with us by giving financially?

We give because He gave. God is the ultimate giver. He gave us eternal life out of sheer grace and now calls us to leverage all that we have as our only appropriate thanks to His extravagant generosity. We do believe that percentages in giving are a thing of the past. The only appropriate response to God's gift of Jesus is to give willingly and sacrificially from a cheerful heart.

It goes without saying, but a church plant needs financial resources in order to accomplish the work that God has called them to. We are no different. There are lots of financial needs for our growing team.

Would you consider investing in this church plant financially? God gives His people many ways to participate in global mission and sacrificial giving is one of them. Click this link to make a one time donation or signup to be a monthly supporter.


Would you consider partnering with us by joining our team and moving with us?

We realize how bold that question is. We ask the question because our God is a sending God. Maybe God has been at work in your circumstances where a transition to a new city could be a good think and church planting also fits with the desires of your heart. The book of Acts is full of stories about God's people trusting Him to use their ordinary lives to accomplish His extraordinary purposes.

Would you consider what God is calling you to do next? Maybe this prompting for London is actually intended to draw your consideration to that assignment that God has been pressing on your heart. Or, maybe, this is the sign you've been looking for. We have an assessment process for future team members and it begins by submitting some information. Click this link to take that next step.

Conclusion: Connections

As you consider how you might be able to partner with us would you give a few minutes to consider who you could connect us to? Is there someone you could share our prayer needs with so we could have more people helping plant this church through prayer? Is there someone who could give financially to help establish the work of this church? Is there someone who has been looking for a church in the London area that you could connect us to? Perhaps the most powerful way you end up partnering with us is connecting us to another partner.

Thanks again for joining us on this journey. We're traveling a good bit in the next few weeks. We look forward to updating you on a few partnerships that are coming together and sharing some stories about the kiddos.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:8-10

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