In almost every major historical movement of God, there have been men and women standing with the leaders, who were resourcing the vision and helping it become a reality. We are excited to invite you to stand with us! We believe that even what seems like a small thing, when placed in the hands of God, can be used to do great things.
Would you give graciously to help plant this church out of God’s generosity that God has already shown to you?
This post explains our vision for investing and pathways for your family to invest in London…

We Need Your Help
We are raising the full support for all of the ministry in Queen’s Park, London, and to the ends of the earth.
Our vision is to find partners that look at Redeemer of Queen’s Park as an investment rather than a charitable opportunity (even though all gifts are tax-deductible!). We believe partnering provides individuals and churches an opportunity to tangibly invest in the mission of God. This church plant is an opportunity to devote money, time, and prayer to the front lines of the mission of Jesus. This provides tremendous opportunity to have a first-hand experience in owning church planting in a strategic global city.
Will you help plant a gospel-centered church in a city of 11,000,000 people, where over 300 languages are spoken, and is less than 2% Christian? Will you help bless the poor and equip the business professional through the outreach ministry of a new church? Will you join a cause larger than yourself and rally behind what God is doing in this influential city?
The Summit Church has created an account for the Redeemer of Queen’s Park so that you are able to give money or stock to the new church plant very easily through The Summit Church giving systems already in place. We also recognize many investors will prefer to give a one time gift instead of setting up a recurring gift. We welcome both monthly and one-time investors!
To invest with us, follow these simple steps…
To Give Online:
Find the West family; click “Support Financially.”
Log in to your account or contribute as a guest.
Complete the requested information.
Click “Schedule Contribution” to schedule a recurring monthly investment or click “Contribute Now” to make a one-time investment.
Complete the requested account information and click “Submit Contribution.”
To Give By Check:
Make check payable to “The Summit Church” and in the memo line write “London Church Plant.”
Mail to: The Summit Church, 2335-114 Presidential Drive, Durham NC 27703.
D.L. Moody once said, “Water runs downhill, and the highest hills are the great cities. If we can stir them, we shall stir the whole country.” We believe that London is one of the highest hills in the world.
Would you consider giving to help us reach London, and the world, with the gospel?
Please reach out to Thomas with any questions: Thomas@RedeemerQP.com