This news is a few days old and we are sorry about that! It has been a very busy couple of days for our family as we work through final preparations before departure. Here's a little more about what's going on...also, Shepherd's face.
Much of May was consumed with the process of applying for our Visas to move to the United Kingdom. This season in North Carolina literally came to a close with that day-trip to Charlotte to get our biometric scans and paperwork submitted.

Now, God in His perfect timing and sovereign grace has chosen to provide four Visas for our family to move to London to take the next step on the work that He has led us to. We received word on Monday that "the decision" was being mailed to us and we were overjoyed to finally hold these Visas on Tuesday morning in Montgomery.
Thank you for praying for us over the last couple of weeks. We are at this point for many reasons and not the least of which is your continued prayer and support. We wish this update was sent to you sooner but we have been quite busy over the last few days as the Visa unlocked our last to-do list for us to work through: contracts, utilities, school, and such.
An Update From Last Week
While we were waiting for the Visas we transitioned from our time in Birmingham to a few really enjoyable nights at Lake Martin. Elizabeth's family has owned a house at the lake for a couple of years now and we really love getting over for some visits. There we celebrated Father's Day and Thomas' birthday. Related to Father's Day, Daniel and Thomas recorded a special episode of the podcast and reflected on the impact their fathers have had in their lives - check it out if you haven't given it a listen by searching "The Redemptive Discourse" in iTunes or Spotify. Now we're in Montgomery for our few final nights in the States before heading over.

As busy as these last few days have been, we have had some really good time together with families. Just yesterday was Elizabeth's moms birthday and today is Thomas' mom as well (how'd they all end up in June?!). A few birthday dinners and grandparent time is really good for everyone. So far, we're all holding up pretty well. We will see how things unfold in the next few days...

What's Next
We're departing for London on Friday evening. By the time many of you are reading this we will be inside of 24 hours from departure. We're flying out of Montgomery over to Atlanta and will have a layover for a couple of hours before taking the flight through the night (We are so grateful to Providence for booking flights for us and loving us all the way to London - a real gift with everything that we're managing right now!). We're scheduled to arrive at Heathrow around 11. We will spend the next few nights in a hotel while our possessions are scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, June 25.

We will keep you informed as to where we are and how it's going in the next couple of days. We treasure your prayers and encouragements now more than ever. We apologize again for this delayed update - thanks for bearing with us.

Thank you for praying with us and investing in this work in London.
We are grateful to be on this journey with you.