God has been so good to us. He loved us - and the world - so much that He sent Jesus to save us. He has given us more than we could ever ask or think or imagine. Motivated by His love, we now go to London to share His love with the nations who are gathered there. Here we go...

It's Surreal
This is one of those moments that almost doesn't seem real. We have talked about this day, prayed for it, planned for it, and invited friends into it - and it is finally here.
Everyone seems to be doing well. The kiddos are actually pretty excited to travel and "go on this adventure with Jesus." They have been so brave in hugging grandparents and excitedly bouncing through terminals. We - Thomas and Elizabeth - are doing good. Excitement and confidence mixing with a little bit of bewilderment that it's actually happening. No fear or unbelief, yet. We're ready to step into this next season as a family.

Hugging our parents at the airport was of course a very bittersweet thing and seeing them just a few hours ago was good but not easy. We love each of our parents (and siblings who we saw last week) and we know that they love us. Seeing each other off went incredibly well. A few tears were shed but everyone seems good. It's bittersweet.
Bittersweet has been a major theme for a lot of this last season. Bitter because we don't want to see some people for the last time and see others more infrequently. Sweet because we sense God leading us and have clear evidences of His guidance to move with. Carl, one of our new friends in London, recently told Thomas that the tears and heartache is a grace because it means we have loved a lot and have been loved well - he's right.

We're now in Atlanta for our layover before boarding the big bird for the night.
We fly to London through the night. This is the first time our kiddos have been out of the country. Tomorrow we will see our new home (only Thomas has actually been to it!) and settle into a hotel for a couple of nights. Pray with us that the Father would make this a fun and smooth transition for us a family.

We Go With God
We compelled to go to London by the fact that God sent Jesus to save us. "For God so loved the world that He gave" (John 3:16) and here we give our lives for that same cause. We don't go to London on our own - we go with God. God has already sent Jesus into the world and Jesus sent the Spirit from the Father (John 15:26). The resurrected Jesus sent His disciples and sends His Church to finish the work He started. In commissioning His disciples Jesus said to them "Peace be with you, as the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you." So, we go with God. Jesus is the chief church planter. He is the ultimate apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd, and teacher. Jesus has gone before us and His Spirit goes with us. We God with God, but that's not all...

We Go On Your Prayer And Support
At the airport tonight we want to say thank you to you. Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for encouraging us. Thank you for supporting us finically. Thank you for having a heart for London. Thank you for being able to see a vision with us. Thank you for believing in us as a family. Thank you for investing in our team. Thank you for being sure our kiddos are loved and attended to. And thank you for the sensitivity to the unique stresses we have felt as parents in the lead up to this night. Thank you for caring for Thomas as he has led from the front. Thank you for caring for Elizabeth as she has carried the lions share of life in our home. We would not be here tonight if it were not for you. Thank you for being on this journey with us. We love you!

We will keep you updated over the next couple of days.
Thank you for being on this journey with us.