Perry finished Summer Term last Friday and we are officially on Summer Holiday. To make things even better we've been able to see a number of friends from the States over the last couple of weeks. This post shares a little about our transition to Summer Holiday and some of the friends we have connected with since arriving in London.
Perry "Broke Up" For Summer
That's right. When you finish Summer Term the class "breaks up" in order to reunite again in September. That took some careful listening to figure out. We're so proud of our little Perry for finishing well with school - getting her in was definitely one of the best things we did to adjust to life in London. She has already met her teacher for next year and we were excited to find out that a few friends from her current house will matriculate into the next year. Shepherd is already enrolled for Nursery as well so we are all set for school term to resume in September.

Seeing A Few Friends
In addition to hosting Lakeview and Summit in London, we have been able to visit with a few friends from both the States and London. From the States, we had a few meetups with the Harrington family from Providence. Neil works in London a good bit for his business and they brought the family over to combo a little family time in addition to some of his meetings. We loved spending time with this sweet family!

We were excited to have a few days with Mike and Jamie McDaniel just last week. Mike is the director for Summit Network and his wife Jamie does a lot to help out with the effort as well as running a pretty impressive small business. They came to London so Mike and Thomas could have a couple of meetings and so that we could hang out as couples. We love the McDaniels and are so thankful for them!

Finally, the Gays came over from the First Family in Alabama to learn more about what we're doing in London and to plan a few things for the future. Thomas and Brian had some good meetings and we had a really nice time as families making our way around London together. We look forward to seeing the First Family again soon!

While hosting a few friends from the States, we've really enjoyed catching up with some friends who are already in London and making our way in starting to connect with a few others. From a couple we met who used to be a part of Summit Church, to a couple we met in DC back in February, to Carl and the Porter family (connected with him in October) - God is providing an encouraging network of people to be friends with and encourage one another as we live in London.

Summer Holiday
We've long heard that London shuts down for August. Most of the people we know use this time to take a step back from the busy rhythms of city life and get away to rest. It makes sense: everyone is locked in for summer term (which only just let out) and it takes until mid-July to get into some warmer temperatures (we survived a heat wave this week).

Instead of getting out of London for holiday, we're going to find a few family days in the next month. Looking back, we put so much (too much?) on in the first four weeks of being here. From hosting groups, to visiting friends, and setting up work on the church plant - it's been a lot going on. We hope to use the August holiday as a chance to further settle our home, connect as a family, and gain strength for the work ahead.
Pray With Us
Would you pray with us in the week ahead? We're just now starting to relax a little from the move, Perry being back in school, and the rush of all who had going on - this just now feels like those first few days off in May back in the States. Would you pray with us that we'd find ways to slow down and connect as a family?
Would you pray for our efforts in starting this new church? Part of what Thomas has been up to in the first four weeks is having conversations to hire a neighborhood evangelist who would start in Autumn/Winter (more to come on this in September). In addition to this, Thomas and Daniel have been at work figuring out the neighborhood and mapping out a few projects for the plant. Thomas has a few projects to work on through August to set us up for the next phase of ministry in September (more to come on this in a couple of weeks). Additionally, Thomas is hosting a church from Raleigh on Tuesday (we know we know: rest). While we're using this blog to update you with what's happening in and around our family there is a lot cooking on the ministry front that we need your continued prayers for.
Would you pray for this week ahead? Elizabeth's parents arrived at the end of this last week to spend a few days with us. We want to do well in showing them around and enjoying some time with them. After the Harts we have a few weeks of just us in London - yay! Pray specifically that we'd find the right balance in giving ourselves a break in the upcoming weeks so we can run hard when the demand of September sets in.
As always: Thank you for being on this journey with us.

"Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."
1 Corinthians 13:7