We didn't post an update last week and this being the first one in two weeks makes it our first one in a "fortnight." The Wests came over for a visit, Thomas stumbled onto the school PTA, and we've had all the weather. Here's a brief update about all that's going on...
The Word of The Week: "Fortnight"
A fortnight is a period of time equal to 14 days or 2 weeks. The word derives from the old English word fēowertyne niht which means "14 nights." In America the similar idea is communicated with the phrase "biweekly." Neither of these phrases should be confused with the phrase "semi-monthly" which divides the year into 24 periods (12x2) instead of the 26 which would be fortnightly/biweekly (52/2).
West Family Visit
Thomas' parents visited last week and we had a really nice time together. This was their first trip over since our move to London in June. We toured around some different parts of London and had mostly good weather while they were in town. It looks like our next time to visit with them will be in February when we are Stateside to visit family and some of our partners.

Having family in town was refreshing for all of us. Perry and Shepherd had an especially great time playing and being played with - not to mention a flight on the London Eye! For us it was really refreshing to be able to show them the neighbourhood and greater city that we love so much. Especially enjoyable was finally taking them on a couple of walking tours of London with our friend Ben Virgo and Christian Heritage London. Further, they did great while they were here - getting around and getting on - we had a great time.

What Else...
A Conference
Before Thomas' parents came in Thomas was involved with a conference on the back-end of Half Term break. Church leaders from around the world met for a conference in King's Cross to discuss the mission of the Church and how to work together in creating global partnerships. We're thankful for the opportunity to be around such conversations.

Halloween With Friends
We had a really fun time walking around the neighbourhood with friends on Halloween. Perry dressed up as Belle and Shepherd donned a fireman outfit. We are grateful for growing friendships with some really special people.

School PTA
In an unexpected, and very exciting, turn of events: Thomas stumbled on to the school PTA committee. He will be working with the communications team in the days ahead. We're actually really excited about this because it's a way we can serve the school that we love so much.
Carol Service
We're hard at work on plans for our upcoming Carol Service. This is the first public gathering of Redeemer Queen's Park. We're meeting at the Primary School on Saturday afternoon 14 December, from 3-5p. We hope to connect with people from all across the Queens Park community and genuinely serve the neighbourhood. More to come in terms of plans in the next couple of weeks. Would you join our team in praying for the Carol Service?

It feels like a lot of things we've been at work on are about to come together while another phase of connections and activity are just launching. We will keep you updated in better than a fortnightly manner....
Thank you for being on this journey with us.

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
Ephesians 3:20-21