Let's be honest: it's getting darker, cooler, damper all faster than we expected. This last week, we were a little iffy about it all. Hopefully it's some routine and healthy tensions finally setting in...and some helpful perspective with it. Shepherd is sick and we're preparing for a full on four weeks ahead. Here's a little more about it...
Feeling "Iffy"
We've been in London for five good months now. The children are settling in to school and routines just fine. As parents we're trying to find the groove in an every shifting set of situations. Living abroad brings the rhythm of feeling like you're figuring it out and then realising how far off the mark you were. In a sense, it all feels a bit "iffy." It feels like things swing from being sure and decided to...things feel a bit iffy: unreliable...uncertain...and unsure. It's a weird thing to say with all the positives we experience around us. But it's true. We guess it's part of the season we're in. So, we're learning to embrace the tension more and more and allowing ourselves to feel the tensions between being sure-unsure, confident-insecure, settled-uneasy.
Last Week Had A Lot Of Fun
We had a group of friends from City Church over to spend the week with us and we had a great time with them. Like-minded, loving, supportive, and encouraging people that are excited about Redeemer Queen's Park. We love our family from City Church.

We got out a couple of nights to see the Christmas lights switch on in a few different neighbourhoods. Hanging out with friends both old and new was a lot of fun for us. London has so much to offer and we're grateful for it.

We had our first dinner in a friends home and man are we grateful for it. London has some really hospitable people around and we could not be more grateful. Thomas also got to meetup with a couple of dads and have some good conversations getting to know each other.

And yet, all of this being out and about takes a toll. We just got in to see the doctor today and our little boy officially has strep throat. So, he's taking a couple of days to recovery as life continues to blaze ahead.

Remembering Someone Certain
Thankfully, we have a Person to turn to when life can feel iffy. From the high highs down to the low lows, and the little bit of mushy middle we are starting to enjoy, we have Someone who remains constant.
We are learning to wait on the God in our hearts. Yeah, we're running around and busy with life like everyone else. But, we're able to be at rest in our hearts when we wait on God - and that actually changes the tenor of the activity in which we engage. Waiting on God does is not exactly revealed in the pace of one's life - though there are clear implications. Instead, waiting on God is a matter of the heart.
It's about the heart. Not really the mind or any other organ. Andrew Murray says, "My mind is utterly impotent in creating or maintaining the spiritual life within me: the heart must wait on God for Him to work it in me." So, we labour...and we're learning to do it from a place of spiritual rest - not frenzy.
We're remembering the words of our Saviour, Jesus Christ: Come to me all who labour and who are weary. I will give you rest for your souls." We are finding that rest more and more.
What, or "Who," do you find rest in? What sustains you as you maintain a full and robust life?
Carol Service
Our team is hard at work in preparations for the upcoming Carol Service. We're hoping this can be a fun way to get the community together to sing some traditional carols and get to know one another. If you're in to praying - would you pray for us? We're getting together on Saturday 14 December at the local Primary school. We'll keep you updated as things unfold in the weeks ahead.

Thank you for being on this journey with us.