Here's proof of life. We're still here and still kicking. It's been yonks - a really long time.
We've had a couple of visitors come through, the School Christmas Fair, and lots of preparations for the upcoming Carol Service. Before another few days pass, here's an update about what's been going on...
Few Friends
We had a really good couple of weeks with friends.

Ryan and Aly, two of our former students from our College Ministry days, came over to spend Thanksgiving with us. We had a wonderful time talking, eating, and hanging out together. The highlight might have been watching Auburn whip up on Alabama for an Iron Bowl win - War Eagle! - and having fun sharing stories from the college years. We also started their pre-marital counseling - something we love doing with people. Ryan and Aly have asked Thomas to officiate their wedding and we will fly back to the States in July to celebrate them. We love Ryan and Aly.

We also had a few friends from the States join us to spend some time together and help prepare for the upcoming Carol Service. Freddy T is a church planter in Memphis (TN) and has been involved in an important work in Chelsea (NY). Matt was our pastor during the university years and has experience starting new churches in China. Together, these men bring a load of experience and wisdom to the table. We benefited from their counsel and encouragements and they helped us get read for the Carol Service in a variety of ways.

Christmas Fair
As reported a few weeks ago, Thomas has been involved in the PTA of the children's Primary School. Together, we took on the support for the raffle and silent auction for the Christmas Fair and had a great time being involved. We were so excited to have the raffle and auction bring in more money for the school than has ever happened before! More than this, we loved leading the effort together. Being involved in the PTA has been an important way for us to meet people and make connections in the community. We really love the local school and are having a great time getting involved.

At the fair, we were really excited to see both Perry and Shepherd spending the day with their friends. We couldn't have been as involved in the fundraising if it weren't for some really wonderful families to come along and take the kiddos around here and there.
What's More
Just this last week our Perry was in the school Nativity Play. She was an angel and did a great job in her performance. We loved watching the children sing and recite the Christmas story - they did a really incredible job! Shepherd will have his Christmas-Sing-Along on Monday...we're excited to see how that goes!

We're busy with preparations for the upcoming Carol Service. The entire Launch Team is pitching in and doing their part. It's really exciting to be on a team where everyone is involved and helping out. We're only a few days away: Saturday 14 December from 3-5. We'll share another communication before then with some specifics about what we hope to do and where we're praying it leads.
Thomas updated our church website. We're still working on a few things here and there but it's mostly in place. We thought an updated look complemented with more information about who we are and what's on offer would be helpful. Check it out: RedeemerQP.com.
A few friends from Houston are in town for a couple of days and details are still coming together for the Carol Service. Mind saying a prayer for us?
For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6)