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First London Christmas

We just celebrated our first Christmas in London. We were able to slow down as a family and have a really good week together. To make things really special we were able to spend some time with friends. We are grateful to God for the gift of His Son. Here's a little more about the last week...

A Few Adventures

We had a wonderful time hanging out as a family. We went to the Natural History Museum with the children, finished up our Christmas shopping, wrapped presents, and overall slowed down as a family. Especially notable among our adventures was a trip to the City Gingerbread exhibit at Somerset House. London architects came together to create an exhibit that was mind-blowing to see.

We kept our tradition alive by eating Asian food on Christmas Eve. After dinner we walked to Piccadilly to take the tube back north. London was fun, lively, and out and about. It was really cool to walk through the city we love on Christmas Eve. Thinking about the year that has been, the place we're in, and why we moved was a special time.

We spent Christmas morning and afternoon as a family. We woke up and Elizabeth made a delicious Christmas brunch. Before opening any presents we read the Christmas story of Jesus' birth together as a family. Then it was time for yummy food and presents!! Perry and Shepherd were so excited to see what was in their stockings and under the tree. They loved seeing what each other unwrapped too. We played with presents and snuggled in for Christmas movies!

A Few Friends

Christmas would not have been the same without time with a few special friends. For Christmas Eve Eve, Perry and Elizabeth had some very fun times out and about together. Paige-Hannah, Ashley-Evie, and Perry-Elizabeth all went to see Frozen 2 and had a great time together.

We went to Fulham on Christmas Eve for their Carols Around the Tree service- and it was so much fun! There were carols, songs, games, and a brief Bible talk. We learned a lot and loved our time. Before walking over to St. Peter's we had tacos for lunch with our dear friends, the White's. We met Brad and Liz over a year ago now and have loved getting to know them. Brad cooked some amazing carnitas tacos and we had a special time hanging out with them.

On Christmas evening we went over to the Evans house for time with the Browns, Renee, and her sweet parents. It was really cool having our Raleigh team together on Christmas night. We ate lots of snacks and played a few games. The children all got along and it was an all-around great evening. Of course, we miss our family and a lot of the familiar back in the States, but getting some quality time with friends really goes a long way in helping London feel like home.

Deep Gratitude

Christmas is the time when we stop and remember: God so loved the world that He sent His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him will never perish but have eternal life. Christmas is not about what we've done for each other or anyone else - Christmas is about what God has done for us. Christmas isn't about any great moment that achieve - Christmas is a gift that we simply receive. Christmas is a time when we stop and remember: God loves us - and the world - so much that He sent Jesus. This changes everything for us.

We hope it has been a very merry Christmas for you and your family. We are working on a special New Year's activity with Perry and Shepherd that we hope to have to you on New Year's Eve. Thank you for being on this journey with us.

For God so love the world that He sent His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.

John 3:16

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