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London On Lockdown

Hi friends. We're officially locked down. This seems to be one of the strictest security settings the country has ever had. We're tucked in for what's going to be at least three weeks of staying in. This post shares a little more of what that should look like, homeschooling updates, and an overall health check. Read on to learn how this chapter of the journey is unfolding...


Last night, Prime Minister Boris Johnson gave the simple instruction that we are supposed to stay home. With only a few exceptions, London must stay in. The exceptions for getting out include: shopping for essentials (as minimally as possible), one outside exercise per day, providing essential care for someone else, or if you absolutely must travel for work (essential personal only). Other than that, it's time to tuck in.


The homeschooling front is off to a great start. Elizabeth ordered supplies in advance and has been organising for each morning on the night before. Elizabeth works with Perry and Thomas (our support teacher) works with Shepherd. We get up and get after it. For the last few days we've gotten ready for the day, eaten breakfast, read our Bible story, and had a workout video all before 9am. Then, ding ding ding - the bell rings and we dive in to it. So far, so good. It's actually been really great to have the family time together. PLUS, we celebrated UK Mother's Day on Sunday! The kids love their "mum."


The kids have both run fevers in the last couple of days and are down to coughs. Elizabeth hasn't felt great but seems to just have a cold. Thomas has not felt well- just yesterday had the roughest day yet. He also hasn't been able to taste or smell for a few days. Signs could mean that it's you know what...but we're not sure. We don't have access to tests so we just don't know. We are taking the necessary precautions to be on the safe side and protect our neighbours.

In addition to our physical health, we're paying more attention to our emotional and mental health. To add to it, this was a pretty discouraged morning for Thomas that got better as the day unfolded. We expect for there to be highs and lows when it comes to emotional health in the weeks ahead. Isolation and quarantine are big events for people to go through. If you feel affected by it at all and would like someone to talk to then know that we are here for you.

Family Life

We're really enjoying the time together as family. If you know Elizabeth well, then you know that she loves having her babies home! Life has been so full on with ministry and day to day life. We are really trying to take this isolation as a gift and soak up sweet family time. It seems like we did a good job of talking through the developments as the lockdown approached and we felt ready to take the next steps. We're only a few days into it but it has been sweet. The children are learning and we're all in a good place when it comes to being together. We having fun baking new recipes, putting together LOTS of puzzles, and enjoying our garden.

What Else?

We hosted our first of The Redeemer Sessions "online" this week. You can watch the Session here - also, feel free to tune in to the next one on Saturday at 3p London time. We'd love to have you around for it.

We're working on ways to care for our Launch Team and broader neighbourhood in this season. Our Care for Queen's Park initiative is getting going and we hope to be able to meet some real needs in the weeks ahead through it. It has been so encouraging to see our community rallying around those in need, we are grateful to play our part! xx

"But I have calmed and quieted my soul,

like a weaned child with its mother;

like a weaned child is my soul within me.

Psalm 131:2

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