We're in our second week of lockdown. Last week had some warmer and sunny weather where we could take a few walks. This weeks is colder and keeping us in doors. Here's a few family updates and a glance ahead at what Redeemer is preparing for Easter...
The West London Academy
Homeschooling is well underway. Head Teacher mum is leading the way with Supply Teacher dad efficiently knocking out all assigned tasks. Elizabeth spends most of the time working with Perry and Thomas spends most of the time with Shepherd. So far, we're doing a good job of getting up and getting after it. Aiming to be finished around noon most days, we're getting through it. We have the kiddos do a morning yoga or workout (we've found these videos really helpful!) and then we dive in. God is providing a lot of grace for us all...we're actually enjoying the time together.

Life In The Great Indoors
The weather feels more important now than usual. We've only had a few patches of rain in the last two weeks. Last week had a few warmer days where we were able to eat a few lunches in our garden and take a few family walks. Since the weekend, it has been cooler which has kept us indoors. Right now, we're looking at the sunshine outside and hoping for the temps to rise so we can go walk around. It's officially British Summer Time and the sun is out until 7 - a very welcome change of scenes! The sunshine feels like a gift that makes these days more endurable.

Health Updates
Perry and Shepherd have been well for over a week. No signs or symptoms for Elizabeth. Thomas is nearly recovered from what we think was the virus. The weird part for him was losing smell and taste. We've had a few friends with similar symptoms and it seems like it's a possible sign of the virus. All of that to say, if he had it, it was mild - no fever or breathing issues; other symptoms, not bad. Emotional and spiritual health is obviously very important for everyone in this season and we feel it. We're trying to stay connected with texts, calls, and FaceTime sessions. Talking about where we are and how we feel is most important. We find ourselves reading the Psalms and reflecting on seasons when God's people spent a lot of time waiting (Isaiah 64:1-4) on God to act. We are waiting, praying, and trusting God in this season.

Redeemer Queen's Park
Our team is continuing to figure out what a faithful presence looks like in the midst of the virus. Would we have ever imagined that we would be trying to gather a group of people to start a new church in the middle of a season where gatherings are actually impossible? Of course not! We're finding ways forward. The Redeemer Sessions are now a weekly event for us and our neighbourhood care initiative is underway. We continue to meet digitally for the Pub Chats and Community Groups as well. We are working on plans to add a children-focused venue in the week ahead. It takes a whole team of people working together - we are so grateful for the 14 person team that God has already assembled. We are trusting God to grow us all through this season.

What Else?
We spend some time wondering "How Long?" will all of this go on for. We really don't know. The initial lockdown phase is scheduled to go another 2 weeks before being evaluated by the government. We're preparing our own hearts for a few more months of life like this. We know this is a trying season for everyone. We are looking for ways to help and encourage as we figure it out ourselves. We're especially hopeful that our upcoming collection of Easter talks with Redeemer will be uplifting for anyone who turns up. Wherever you are and whatever you have going on, we'd love for you to tune into The Redeemer Sessions on Saturday afternoons at 3p: redeemerqp.online.church. We'd love to be an encouragement to you as we're all tucked-in indoors for the foreseeable future.

Thank you for continuing to be on this journey with us. Disruption is real and it disturbs every facet of life. It feels like we need each other now more than ever. You calls, texts, emails, cards, and support all means so much to us.
With lots of love, thank you.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:29-31