We're locked down for at least another three weeks. Thankfully, we're finding a groove to balance the work-life rhythms and enjoying time together. Here's an update from Easter and what's ahead...
Questioning Easter
Our first London Easter was definitely not what we had planned, but this lockdown has made us all the more thankful for our hope in Jesus. The week leading up to Easter was quite busy on the church front. We had the normal activity going on: Pub Chats, Redeemer Kids and Community Group. Then we added in 3 Redeemer Easter Sessions (Questioning Easter), if you have not had the opportunity to watch these then please click here. Thomas did a great job on these talks and we think you will be really encouraged.

Easter Sunday
Our Family Easter was a really sweet day for us. All the filming and editing for the Sessions was complete, so we were able to enjoy time together and celebrate. Elizabeth had everyone dress up (because you take the Mama out of the South, but you cant take the South out of the Mama). Perry requested a “Fancy Easter Brunch” in the garden. Elizabeth cooked and baked and Perry set the table complete with Waterford crystal. We enjoyed our yummy brunch and read the story of the resurrection together. After brunch we sent the kids inside so that we could set the chocolate Easter egg hunt up in the back garden. Perry and Shepherd each had a dozen eggs to find plus a few special eggs. It turned out to be such a special memory.

Easter Sunday was a beautiful day here in London so we went to the park for a little walk to enjoy the weather, and then came for naps and quite time. We concluded our day by watching the Redeemer Session together and Thomas grilled out for us. It was definitely not the Easter Sunday we would have planned a few months ago, but we will treasure these memories forever.
This Past Week
The week following Easter has been a bit quieter. Elizabeth started a reading group with the other Redeemer ladies on Zoom that kicked off on Monday. The ladies are reading “In His Image” by Jenn Wilkin together. We have still been doing a bit of learning time every morning to help structure the kids days. Home learning will officially start back on Monday.

Perry and Shepherd celebrated the end of the week with a pizza and movie night in their cozy fort. They have playing so sweetly with each other and we are so thankful for their special bond. It is definitely a bonus in this crazy season! Not get us wrong, there is still plenty of tattling and bothering each other, but overall their sweet is strong.
What's Next
We're into our next collection of talks with Redeemer called "Questioning Easter." We're aiming to work through seven major questions around Christianity over the next 7 weeks. We just shared our first of the talks this afternoon - it's available here. It's all systems go for our team in the week ahead: Redeemer Kids, Pub Chats, Community Group, Care for QP, and preparing for the next Session. We hope the digital content makes it easier than ever to keep up with Redeemer. We're in this together!

As always, thank you so much for following along with us. It is such an encouragement to us!