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Lockdown Life Update

Happy Memorial Day / Bank Holiday!

We are enjoying some beautiful Spring weather in London! The weather is warming up in London. This is wonderful because it is so lovely outside, but also interesting because houses here do not have air conditioning! Perry and Shepherd are on half term break this week, so we are looking forward to a relaxed week filled with some fun!

We Got Out

Since we do not have a car and have not been able to use public transportation, we have stayed put in Queens’s Park. On Saturday we ventured out of our neighborhood as a family for the first time in 9 weeks. Regent’s Park was our destination and we had a wonderful day. We picked up picnic goodies from Gail’s (if you have visited us in London, then you know how wonderful Gail’s is) and set out. We explored the beautiful rose garden and picnicked there. We dodged a few rain showers and we walked around the park. We found a great open area to relax, the kids ran around and played and then we watched the Redeemer Session. We headed home with full hearts and tired legs. It was such a sweet day!

We're On A Break

This week we will spend more time in our park, open the back garden pool again, play lots of games, grill out and relax. The London Lockdown is gradually lifting and we are now able to meet a friend in the park for a walk. This has been a nice treat! It look like primary school will start reopening next week. Shepherd’s age group is slated to be in the first wave. We are prayerfully weighing the options and trying to make a decision that makes the most sense for our family.

The Redeemer Sessions

Ministry continues to roll. Pub Chats, Community Group, and the weekly Redeemer Sessions are all underway. This weekend we finish a collection of talks on "Questioning Christianity." You can tune in on Saturday - wherever you are. We will share more information about these talks sometime next week. We're lining up two summer collections through different books of the Bible: Philippians and Proverbs. Should be good fun.

Looking Ahead...

We will be Stateside in July for several weeks!! Our travel dates had to be tweaked a bit, but everything is sorted and we are so excited to see friends and family!! The kids are most looking forward to Chick-Fil-A and playing with their friends. While Thomas and Elizabeth are thrilled to be seeing friends and hopefully get a few date nights. It will be a busy trip with a very special event in the middle, sweet Aly and Ryan’s wedding!!

As always, thank you for loving our family and following along! If there are any specific things you would like to hear about please just leave us a comment.

My heart is not proud, Lord, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quietened myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.

Israel, put your hope in the Lord both now and for evermore.

Psalm 131

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