We celebrated a few different things over this last week. We celebrated Thomas for Father's Day on Sunday and then we celebrated one year in London during the week. This was also our last week in London before headed to the States for a couple of weeks. More about all of that, right here...
Father's Day
It UK and US Father's Day so we celebrated big. We spent the morning "go boating" down the canal. We picked up Gail's goodies and headed down to Paddington via taxi. We spent a couple hours boating down the canal and had the best morning. The weather was beautiful and it was such a relaxed way to enjoy our beautiful city. Perry and Shepherd loved being Thomas' co-captains. We ended the way by having some friends over for a pizza night in our garden.

One Year in London
It's hard to believe that it's been one year in London. It feels like so much life has been lived...as if three or four years of experiences have been squeezed into this one. We have a lot to reflect on and it feels like there will be some reflections to share. We'll come back to this theme in a couple of weeks once we have time to get away, find perspective, and reflect. Praise God for so many answered prayers and so much provision. We are grateful.

Last Week in London
This was our last full week in London before we head back to the States. Shepherd is continuing with his part-day school routine - he loves being around his friends again. Perry is continuing with home-learning and teacher mommie continues to do a great job. It was a big week around Redeemer as we hosted a virtual vision trip for potential partners - lots of projects rolled up into this big one...we are so thankful for our partners who support us. We had a number of hangouts this last week with friends both old and new before we ship off to the States.

Headed to the States
Our originally planned three week trip has been stretched to five weeks stateside. We're headed over on Wednesday to for a two week quarantine at Elizabeth's parents lake house. Thomas will remain "plugged in" for those two weeks and work remote for Redeemer. The kiddos will also conclude their home learning for school while we are at the lake. There will also be lots of time spent playing and enjoying a change of scenery.

We're then spending a few weeks catching up with friends and family in a variety of ways. We're in Raleigh to officiate a wedding for our dear friends: Ryan and Ally. Raleigh will also provide the chance to catchup with a few other friends - but it already feels a bit nuts with a full schedule! We're then back to Alabama for time with Thomas' family in Birmingham, a week with Elizabeth's family at the beach, and then switching on for a week of work from the States for Redeemer.
We love what God is doing here and yet we know we need the space to reflect, connect as a family, and replenish with family and friends.
We'll share more in the weeks ahead. About London. About what God has taught us. About what we're up to as a family.
Thank you for your prayers and for being on this journey with us.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever.