We're back in London. We departed the States seven days ago on our 11-year anniversary. Our journey had all the feelings and this has been a good week in self-isolation. Here's where we are and how we're feeling...
11 Good Years of Marriage
It's hard to believe that we've been married 11 years and it was especially sweet to be headed out of Montgomery on our wedding day! We took a quick stop at First Baptist Church to snap a few selfies and remember how far we've come since that day. It was surreal to be in town. It was so good for us to spend some time reflecting on all that God has done in our lives over the last 11 years. God is great. God is good.

All The Feelings
We had a whirlwind of feelings getting through the airport and boarded up for London. Saying see you later to our families was not easy - especially in a global pandemic! We all felt like it would be so much easier to depart if we only knew the next time that we would see each other again. We simply don't know. We look forward to scheduling some family visits as soon as the travel ban and quarantine requirement are lifted. This made the departures tender. We felt them in the moment and we felt them for a few days. Nevertheless, we go. God has been incredibly clear, and kind, in guiding us to London and we really enjoy our life there. Yet, it's tender saying see ya later to family after such a full and rich time together.
This was a helpful week to think about the notion of nostalgia. We're continuing to think on it. Maybe some more thoughts about that next week.

Week One Of Self-Isolation
We landed in London early on Sunday and got to the house with no trouble. Since then, we haven't left our front gate as we're in a mandatory 14 day self-isolation. We've had a few friends bring by coffee and treats and give a socially-distanced "hello!" and those have been especially sweet. We have enjoyed our time together (so far!) unpacking and settling in. And by the way, it was HOT last week. Like, mid-90's in a house designed to trap heat and no air-con, kinda hot. Thankfully, some rain came through two days ago and it feels like the proper British weather is back.

We're ordering in our groceries and calling on friends when necessary. This has been helpful for opening up the home again, doing all the laundry, and taking care of those last few things around the house before the year really gets kicked off again in a couple of weeks. We're already plotting our movement for next Sunday when we clear this self-isolation. We're really glad to be back even though we can't yet be out and about.

Next week, Elizabeth is doing a little home-learning with Perry and Shepherd while Thomas works on a couple of Bible talks and a project. The work-remote is switched on again as we look forward to visit with people in-person soon enough. Please pray for our dear children as they finish up their summer and prepare to go back to school in September. Pray as well for us that we would have the minds to prepare and the hearts to care for them.
Thank you for being on this journey with us.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and for ever.
Hebrews 13:8