This is the first day we've been free to roam about London. We've completed our two week quarantine and are looking forward to a few weeks of enjoying the city before school and other rhythms take over again. Here's a few bits about how we're doing...
Not too much here...just a proof of life post and a few quick reflections.
Two Weeks of Quarantine
Done and dusted. The government guidance was clear and STRICT. Two weeks of sticking in the house. Unlike some of the relaxed "lockdown" measures we faced, there were no walks or outside exercise. We ordered groceries through delivery services and it was actually alright. We're so grateful for a few friends were kind enough to come by and drop of coffees and have a socially distanced chat for a few minutes. The kids did really great getting through it. More than us, they need interactions with people in their age and stage. God gave the grace to all of us to see it through. We're so glad it's over.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It's behind us! We celebrated the end of quarantine by taking a picnic down to Hyde Park. It was just what we needed. We were able to get a good long walk in and feel like we're acclimating to London again at long last. We realise that another hard lockdown could come if the numbers continue to rise so we're going to readily, and safely, enjoy as much of London as we can.
What's Ahead
We are spending the weeks ahead catching up with friends and acquaintances. We're especially excited about spending time with various members of the Redeemer Launch Team (a group of people who have come together committing to help launch the weekly ministry activities of Redeemer!). We have a few meals scheduled and some time to get around to some different parts of London as well. While Elizabeth ordered most of the uniforms for Perry and Shepherd over the last few weeks we need to hit the shops to be sure we get them in the right shoes. Should be easy and straightforward enough, though.

Something For Next Week
We've been gathering our reflections on the last year, intensified by the conversations in these last two weeks. We're going to post a few thoughts sometime next week. Thinking our experience through and writing it down have been very helpful processes for us to work through...our few reflections might even provide some help for you as we all sort out a year so far that has been anything but normal. Keep an eye out this next week.

What's Next?
We're headed over to a friends for a BBQ this evening and then really looking forward to a week of reconnecting with friends. We're also excited about some routine taking hold even a little more to bring about a deeper sense of normalcy.
Jesus replied, “You do not realise now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
John 13:7