This is a little bit of looking back on the last year and a a lot of being grateful for God's grace. Here's a look back on the year that has been and an invitation to partner with us in the year ahead.
We're looking back on this last year and are grateful for God's grace that led us through many great times and His evident love and mercy that kept us through many trying times as well. Here's a summary of where we've been in the last year and an invitation to support the progress of the gospel through Redeemer here in London.
What a year! Around the world. So much turmoil, unrest, uncertainty, division. We've felt it in our own home and church community as well. Lockdowns, depression, discouragement, frustrations. Yet, God brought a new church community together. We began meeting weekly from Easter weekend, formed a membership of 25 adults over the summer, and fully and finally launched on Saturday 25 September. The highlight of this last season of ministry was our baptism gathering. There is so much to be thankful for.
For our family, we had some real low points in January-April getting through the recent lockdown. While God has grown us closer than ever in our marriage we have learned the new depths of stress and strain of cross-cultural ministry and starting a new church in a truly pioneering context. There are real ways in which it feels like we limp across the finish line of this new year and we are thankful to have the next few days to get away as a family to rest and deepen our trust in Jesus.
Perry and Shepherd have grown and changed so much just over this last year. It's becoming more and more real to us that they're not growing up in the American South! Our children's perspectives, humour, attitudes, and way about them are taking shape in new ways. We are hoping and praying that they will demonstrate genuine faith in Jesus in this next year that we can see through new fruits of Jesus' Spirit in them.
Redeemer is fully supported through the generosity of individuals and churches. Would you take a moment to consider supporting the work of the gospel in London through Redeemer?
Whether you're supporting from the US or here in the UK - there are easy ways to come alongside and make a tangible difference in the work that's going on here.
If you'd like to make a financial contribution from the States then please click here - and if you're looking to support from the UK then please click here.
Starting Redeemer has been more difficult than we ever imagined. It has felt like the work has been spectacularly slow, small, and tough to come by. We've drawn fresh encouragements from an old word by John Newton.
John Newton knew about labouring for a long time and trusted God for results. A bloke named Richard Johnson moved to Australia to plant a new church and change the country for Christ. He had slow beginnings and grew discouraged at how things began. He wrote to Newton in London seeking some encouragement and perspective. Newton’s reply to Johnson has been life to us over these last two years as well,
I have not been disheartened by your apparent want of success. I have been told that skillful gardeners will undertake to sow and raise a salad for dinner in the short time while the meat is roasting. But no gardener can raise oaks with such expedition.
You are sent to New Holland [Australia], not to sow salad seeds, but to plant acorns; and your labour will not be lost, though the first appearances may be very small, and the progress very slow. You are, I trust, planting for the next century. I have a good hope that your oaks will one day spring up and flourish, and produce other acorns, which, in due time, will take root, and spread among the islands and nations of the Southern Ocean.